Fundamentals Of Radial Shockwave Therapy

Specialize in high-demand treatments with our targeted Fundamental Radial Shockwave Therapy training. Crafted for massage therapists and kinesiologists, this streamlined course is your stepping stone to mastering radial pressure shockwave therapy – vital for the contemporary rehabilitation landscape.

Our focused online curriculum hones in on the most prevalent clinical conditions, providing you with a concentrated dose of knowledge in radial shockwave therapy. Engage with a select collection of over 120 instructional videos that demonstrate techniques tailored for the most common musculoskeletal disorders. This approach not only ensures your mastery in treatment precision, but also maximizes your confidence in delivering impactful patient outcomes.

In addition to advancing your clinical skills, you will receive critical insights into your equipment’s care, with specialized content on device maintenance that promotes durability and peak functionality in your practice. If you aim to broaden your scope with additional radial shockwave therapy, consider our Ultimate Radial Shockwave Therapy training to cover all your bases.

Join Our Shockwave Inner Circle – As part of your course enrollment, gain three months of free, unlimited access to our vibrant shockwave community. After this period, maintain your access for only $99 USD. Benefit from direct interactions with Uran, collaborate with peers from the Medical Shockwave Institute, and obtain all the evidence-based based shockwave therapy research.

Embrace this opportunity to sharpen your therapeutic expertise, elevate your service offerings, and transform your clinic’s approach.

Learn The Fundamentals Of Radial Shockwave Therapy

Obtain your certification virtually or in-person

Upon Course Completion, The Practitioner Will:


This foundational course offers a depth of knowledge in Radial Shockwave Therapy that surpasses current standards. If you are seeking more advanced learning, consider exploring our Ultimate Radial Shockwave Therapy Training.

Course Curriculum

Includes 16 Conditions!

One Time Purchase, Lifetime Access!

Typically Your First 4 Clients Pay For The Cost Of Your Training!

1,986.00 USD