Course Curriculum

Includes 55 Conditions!

From Pain to Progress: Conditions Treated with Radial Shockwave Therapy

Foot & Ankle

1. Hallux Rigidus
2. Bunions
3. Morton’s Neuroma
4. Metatarsalgia
5. ​Heel Spurs
6. ​Plantar Fasciitis
7. ​Achillies Tendon Injuries
8. ​​Ankle Hypomobility
9. ​​​Ankle Sprains (Grade I, II, and III)
10. ​​​Peroneal Tendon Injuries
11. Gastrocnemius injuries
12. Tibialis Anterior injuries


1. ​Patellar Tendon Injuries
2. Pes Anserine Bursitis
3. Baker’s Cyst
4. Osteoarthritis
5. Post operative knee arthroplasty
6. Hamstrings injury
7. Quadriceps injury

Hip & Lower Back

1. Hip Flexor myofascial restriction
2. IT Band myofascial restriction
3. Greater trochanteric bursitis
4. ​Inguinal pain
5. Hip joint dysfunction
6. Post operative hip arthroplasty
7. Non-specific low back pain
8. Sacroiliac joint pain
9. Piriformis syndrome
10. Sciatica
11. Lumbar disc injury

Cervical Spine

1. Cervical radiculopathy
2. Non-specific neck pain
3. ​Myogenic headaches


1. ​Generalized shoulder pain
2. Impingement syndrome
3. ​Subacromial bursitis
4. Osteoarthritis
5. ​Biceps tendinitis
6. ​Teres minor dysfunction
7. ​Infraspinatus dysfunction
8. ​​Subscapularis dysfunction
9. Supraspinatus dysfunction
10. Frozen shoulder


1. ​Medial epicondylitis
2. ​Lateral epicondylitis

Wrist & Hand

1. Wrist pain
2. ​ ​Carpal tunnel syndrome
3. ​ De Quervain’s syndrome
4. ​ Thumb pain
5. ​ Trigger finger
6. ​ Dupuytren contracture

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